[32] Take the "Can't" Out of Your Coaching
In today's coaching world, there’s a growing tension between rules and real-world application. In this podcast, Elias dives into the heart of this dilemma with a candid conversation about how our pursuit of standardization has led us into a legalistic mindset that often restricts the very freedom coaching should foster.
In this episode, Elias explores the frequent disconnect between theory and practice—the gap between what we sometimes learn in coach training and the raw reality of working with real clients. How do we navigate the desire to adhere to rules without losing the essence of what coaching is all about?
Let's unpack ways to go beyond feeling limited to truly connecting with clients. How can we take the “can’t” out of your coaching, embrace presence, and invite a more authentic dialogue by committing to a deeper understanding of the coaching competencies?
It’s time to move beyond rules, embrace freedom, and rediscover the magic in the process.
#CoachingFreedom #AuthenticCoaching #PresenceOverRules #CoachingCompetencies #BeyondTheRules#RealWorldCoaching #TakeTheCantOut #CoachingWithPresence #CoachingMindset #BreakFreeInCoaching #CoachingEvolution #PRIMESPACE #PRIMECoachingAcademy #seriousLearner